Photo of Shannon Jordan

Shannon Jordan

English 9/Honors English 9 Teacher

Shannon Jordan has been part of the James Irwing family since the fall of 2017. She came to Colorado Springs after living in Buena Vista 15 years. Ms. Jordan’s original career goal was to become a pediatrician, but after her children had entered school she decided to teach. After obtaining her Master’s in Elementary Education, Ms. Jordan started substituting K-12 in Buena Vista, finally landing at JICHS teaching English. In teaching, she found her calling and purpose in life, and was named a National Society of High School Scholars Outstanding Educator in 2022.

Ms. Jordan has 2 surviving daughters and a one-year-old granddaughter, and treasures her time with family. She enjoys writing, scrapbooking, reading, hiking, and cycling, and aspires to be a published author within 3 years.


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